International Event for the CreaVET project: how it went

logo creavet
CreaVET project logo

We are honored to have hosted our Partners in the Erasmus+ funded CreaVET project! It has been quite an intense and productive week. Associazione Communia, along with teachers from Czechia, Lithuania, Spain, Portugal and under the coordination of the amazing Turkish team, have shared ideas, techniques and best practices in the field of PBL (Problem Based Learning) in VET (Vocational Educational Training).

We had the chance to discuss the results of a very useful survey which had the objective of enhancing the strenghts and noting weeknesses in order to hopefully provide groundwork for the future, as it was aimed at teachers and students from all Countries involved with questions regarding creativity and educational practices.

We also shared fun moments in two different interactive sessions, giving us all the chance to work together to reach a common goal creatively.
For example, we applied PBL methodologies in a very interactive activity in which we were divided into different groups and were given a common problem for which each group had to reach a solution to share with the rest of the group. Also, we shared a gamification session which turned out to be a very useful and fun way to connect and stimulate group mentality to reach a common goal (check out the “Herd mentality” game!)

We would like to thank Falconara municipality for providing us with the premises to host our guest partners, Circolo Lovecraft for hosting us for the interactive game session,

Museo Tattile of La Mole in Ancona for the peculiar museum experience and, of course, all of our Partner countries in this project.

Up Next: Czechia! CreaVet Falconara Marittima, Italia CreaVET event in Falconara, Italy

CreaVET project: an innovative approach to learning

The CreaVET project, a strategic partnership between Associazione Communia and 5 other EU Countries including Turkey as the project coordinator, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain, as part of an Erasmus+ KA2 program, aims at empowering creativity and problem solving skills among students.
Thanks to educational activities (also) for teachers, workshops, practical activities such as playing specific board games to boost soft skills, CreaVET aims at giving useful and sustainable tools for students’ future and also for teachers.
We espect to acccess a new skillset in form of resources for other school and non-formal environments, in order to promote an innovative and practical approach to learning.

logo creavet
Logo CreaVET

We are glad to announce that on June 25th and 26th we will host a two-day event at the Centro Pergoli venue in Falconara Marittima (AN), thanks to a partnership with the municipality, which we are very thankful and proud of.
The event will be focused on the Problem Based Learning strategy (PBL). Communia will lead formative activities to share the best practices and strategies in the educational field in this matter. Students will be ready to face real challenges, and teachers will have new creative and interactive tools to have available.
Don’t worry, we have thought about cultural trips to local museums, fun activities, sunbathing and enjoying good food as well!

1° Edizione del corso “Principi di Progettazione Europea”

Le competenze nel campo della progettazione europea sono sempre più richieste dalle organizzazioni.

Per questo, Associazione Culturale Communia desidera offrire un corso per fornire alcune competenze essenziali nella stesura e gestione dei progetti europei.

Il corso, della durata complessiva di 50 ore fornirà agli studenti le conoscenze e gli strumenti utili alla preparazione e gestione dei progetti, oltre a una introduzione sul sistema di sovvenzioni europeo con l’obiettivo di dare una visione generale delle opportunità di finanziamento dell’UE.

Per candidarsi al corso, si prega di presentare domanda tramite il seguente Google Form:


150 €

☔26 e 27 Aprile 2024;
⛅31 maggio e 1 giugno 2024;
☀22 e 23 giugno 2024
Casa delle Culture – Via Valle Miano, 46, 60125 Ancona (AN)
🎖 Laurea Triennale
🇬🇧 Inglese (B1)


Massimo 15 persone fino a esaurimento posti

We are part

Young Migrants in Action to foster Sense of Community and Social Capital after the Pandemic

Start: 01-04-2023
End: 30-09-2024
Countries: Italia, Grecia
Partnership: Associazione Culturale Communia, Velos Youth
Project code: 2022-3-IT03-KA210-YOU-000096058
Erasmus+ program type: Small-scale partnerships in youth


(1) to provide 50 young migrants (25 per country) with evidence-based opportunities to increase their sense of community and social capital

(2) to provide 6 young researchers with migrant background (3 per country) and 30 other young migrants (15 per country) with the possibility to co-create with local stakeholders pilot interventions to achieve the first objective

(3) to provide the 6 young researchers (3 per country) with useful knowledge, skills and experiences for job seeking


(1) a training for 6 young researchers with a migrant background (3 per country) around action-research methodology and working in the migrants’ social inclusion field

(2) a research which will engage 50 local stakeholders (25 per country)

(3) two local dialogic sessions in which 30 local stakeholders (15 per country) and 30 young migrants (15 per country) will co-plan pilot actions to increase sense of community and social capital in 50 recently arrived young migrants (25 per country)

(4) the implementation and evaluation of the co-planned pilot actions


(1) increased knowledge, skills and empowerment in the 6 young researchers

(2) increased empowerment, skills and knowledge in the 30 young migrants involved in the co-planning of the pilot actions

(3) capacity building in at least 20 social operators and/or volunteers – preferably young – involved in actions to increase the social inclusion of young migrants

(4) increased social capital and sense of community in 50 young recently arrived migrants


This list will be updated during the project

I Will Survive – Verso una comunità educante

di Greta Ottaviani

In conclusione del progetto “I Will Survive!” (Erasmus+ KA2 2020-1-HR01-KA201-077665), che ha lo scopo di educare alla gestione dello stress generato da situazioni di emergenza come disastri naturali, incidenti in contesti antropizzati ed altre situazioni di pericolo, ti invitiamo venerdì 14 all’evento “Verso una comunità educante. L’espressione I Will survive! è necessaria, ma non sufficiente”, la cui duplice finalità è:

– disseminare i risultati del progetto Erasmus+ KA201 “I Will Survive!”
– favorire una discussione con la cittadinanza sul tema emergenze e sul ruolo della comunità locale.

Durante il seminario verranno forniti i contributi di:

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Teoria del cambiamento


La Teoria del Cambiamento (TOC) come strumento per la progettazione partecipata e per la valutazione dell’impatto sociale di un progetto

Corso di formazione online a offerta libera

La ToC è un approccio alla pianificazione strategica che si basa sulla costruzione di una visione collettiva condivisa. Communia propone un breve corso online a tutti coloro che operano nel settore della progettazione sociale e desiderano acquisire conoscenze e competenze rispetto all’utilizzo della Teoria del Cambiamento come strumento di progettazione partecipata e valutazione di impatto.Continue reading →

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